The Language Experience

German & English Language Training in Germany
German & English Language Training in Germany

German Language Training Course Options

LangEx Intensive: Intensive one on one course
All day language development training • Outings into the surrounding area

team1Private one-on-one instructions in all aspects of the German language: vocabulary building, grammar, spelling, pronunciation, comprehension and conversational skills. Work related language needs of our students will be given special attention as well. To keep the attention span we often alternate between sit down classes and conversational or oral exercise walks and bike rides along the lake as well as excursions to nearby scenic towns and places of personal interest. Excursions offer a different setting to practice vocabulary, grammar or conversational skills.

Book any amount of days, starting anytime. It is also possible to substitute 2 half days for one full day.
See sample day schedule.

INTENSIVE German Language Training Brochure
Day rate: € 265.- without lunch. € 275.- including lunch.
Add € 25.- per person per day sharing a course, (plus € 10.- for lunch, if applicable).
Half day with lunch [5 units] € 175.- • Half day without lunch [4 units] € 135.-
Add € 15.- per person per day sharing a course, (plus € 10.- for lunch, if applicable).

An extensive day by day report will be written for each person and send 2 to 3 weeks after the course.
Accommodations are booked separately (see LangEx Lodging). Use of bicycles included.

Available choices:

  • Intensive course at 8 lessons per day (45 min. per lesson).
    Students fix their own meals in their lodging. A lunch break will be given. Option: including LangEx lunch. Counts as one lesson, regardless if it exceeds 45 minutes. Definitely adds fun to the program.
  • Excursions, sometimes extended time at no extra charge, can include CeBit, VW Autostadt Wolfsburg, Berlin, Leipzig etc (students are responsible for travel expenses, entrance fees, meals etc including teachers).
  • Showing the area and local facilities, giving insight into German culture, giving advice on various topics (in German or English), translator services, genealogy research in church registers.

LangEx Kids: Intensive course especially tailored for kids

teepee2Learning games, cooking together, fun excursions, opportunities to meet German kids of compatible ages. Families can rent the LangEx house. Sometimes families attend the program together. Other times kids are dropped off in the morning and rejoined by their parents for the LangEx lunch (which often includes guests), or they are just picked up at the end of their instruction session. (Choice of full or half days).

LangEx Lite: Learn at your own pace and save money

A flexible mix and match system. Book classes a la carte (minimum booking: one double lesson) according to need. Supervised self study. Lessons will vary and can include everyday life situations like shopping. Afterwards you practice on your own. Plenty of opportunities to meet Germans to talk to and practice skills. Evenings and weekends sometimes possible.

  • one lesson (45 minutes), one-on-one € 36.-
  • one lesson (45 minutes), couple or parent/child € 41.-
    (each additional member add € 5.-)
  • one lunch or dinner conversation class (extended time), one person € 51.-
    (each additional member add € 5.-)


  • prepaid package of 25 classes (can also be used for LangEx lunch countable as one lesson)
    one person: € 872.- (add € 128.- for each additional person).guided excursions on arrangement, extra charge for visits to the local fitness center. Add 19% VAT [value added tax] to all prices.
To register for any of our courses and/or accommodations
please contact us. Your registration will be confirmed after having received your deposit. Thank you.

© 2020 The Language Experience™